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Global Footprint

Around the Globe

With more than 1,100 employees across 40 countries, GGB is a tribological leader helping minimize frictional loss through plain bearing and surface engineering technologies. With manufacturing facilities located in the U.S., Germany, France, Brazil, Slovakia, and China and a global supply chain of local sales offices and distribution centers, we serve customers anywhere in the world while providing comprehensive local support and quick deliveries. Plus, our customers can depend on a local contact who is able to speak their language even when technical support is needed. 

GGB Locations Around the World

North America

Thorofare I

GGB NA | P.O. Box 189 - 700 Mid Atlantic Parkway - Thorofare, NJ 08086

Tel: +1 856 848 3200  |  Email: CONTACT


Thorofare II

GGB NA | P.O. Box 189 - 1414 Metropolitan Avenue - Thorofare, NJ 08086

Tel: +1 856 848 3200  |  Email: CONTACT

South America

Brarueri, Brazil

GGB Brasil | Avenida Gupê, 10767 - Barueri--SP, BR-06422-120 Brazil

Tel: +55 11 98473 6213  |  Email: CONTACT


Annecy, France

GGB France EURL | 65, Chemin de la Prairie - B.P. 2074 - F-74009 Annecy Cedex

Tel: +33 0(4) 50 33 66 88 Email: CONTACT


Heilbronn, Germany

GGB Heilbronn GmbH | Ochsenbrunnenstr. 9 - D-74078 Heilbronn

Tel: +49 (0)7131 269 0 Email: CONTACT


Sučany, Slovakia

GGB Slovakia s.r.o. | Ulica priemyselná 1910/4 - SK-Sučany 038 52

Tel: +421 (0)43 40 40 100 Email: CONTACT


Suzhou, China

GGB Bearing Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd | No. 10 Xiangjie Road, SND - PRC-215129 Suzhou - P.R. China

Tel: +86 512 62921000 Email: CONTACT